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List of all the available sessions:
- The secret of change
- When you love life
- Leap of faith
- Don’t Quit Poem (modified)
- Letting go is hard, but being free is beautiful
- Start where you are
- Continuous effort
- You leave old habits behind
- What is here (requested by Ruth)
- Bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow
- Love yourself first
- I expect to pass through life but once (requested by Suzanne)
- There are far better things ahead
- The secret of your future
- Build your Confidence
- The Secret Lake
- 5 to 1 Positive to Negative Thoughts
- Who would you be without that thought?
- Mountain & Valley & White Light
- Gratitude
- Freedom from Cravings
- Binge Talkdown
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind
- Comfort from Cravings
- Stop Emotional Eating
- Eat Less & Enjoy your Food
- Surf the Urge Mindfulness
- Be in peace
- Natural self-esteem
- Cravings are Junk Thoughts
- Be at Peace with Food
- Triggers to Eating
- Deeply Relaxed Eating
- Anxiety to Calmness
- Insomnia Relief Guided Meditation
- Compassion
- Letting go
- Social Anxiety
- Weight loss & Motivation
- Weight loss & Confidence
- Weight Loss & Sleep
- Relaxation hypnosis
- Confidence Hypnosis
- Insomnia Relief