Sleep version:
At the start of the session, if you drift off before you hear the main part of the guided meditation, then fast forward the audio or video, to start at the staircase countdown at 5:40, or directly at the suggestions at 8:20. It is the same times for the version below:
37 minute version:
You can use this 37 minute version, during your day, or at night before you go to sleep.
I have written and recorded this meditation for someone who is in a very difficult situation. She has huge challenges, and wanted something to help her develop a warrior mindset. This is to help support her mental and spiritual fight against what she is up against. This meditation is not as overtly forceful as being a warrior, but I do hope it helps her in a holistic way.
This meditation uses metaphors and is about self-healing and focusing on what you want, and how to get there, and overcoming challenges and barriers along the way.
Where ever you are in life, and whatever path you are on, I hope you find this meditation useful.
With good wishes,