Sleep version:
At the start of the session, if you drift off before you hear the suggestions for stopping emotional eating, then fast forward the audio or video, to the staircase countdown starting at 6:00, or you could start directly at the suggestions at 8:30.
23 minute version:
You can use this 23 minute version, during your day, or at night before bed.
Use the audio with the blue button if you want to drift off to sleep after the end of the session.
At the start of the session, if you drift off before you hear the suggestions for stopping emotional eating, then fast forward the audio or video, to the staircase countdown starting at 2:45, or you could start directly at the suggestions at 5:20.
Intro & Aims
The aim of this session is to help you to stop binge eating.
It is about staying with those uncomfortable and compulsive thoughts and feelings that go with a binge, and not acting on them.
It is to help change those thought patterns beneath the binge, so it becomes less of an issue in the future.
In this session, forgiveness is used as a way of dealing with those strong thoughts and feeling, including shame and guilt and compulsive desires.
I hope it works well for you.
With good wishes,