Liberation In Mind

A place to REST and RELAX

Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety Course:

Social anxiety course sessions – details & information:

Social anxiety articles:

(the following links open in a new browser)

Week 1 – Session 1

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

This is the first of the twelve hypnotherapy-based sessions for social anxiety disorder.

Aim to listen to this session every day for a week. Alternately, listen to it least 3 times in the week. The more you practise it, the better your results will be.

Being in hypnosis is a pleasant way to relax and reduce your anxiety levels. However there is more to this social anxiety hypnotherapy session 1 than that. It uses a metaphor of white light healing as a way to encourage your mind and body to start healing itself, and also as a way to protect yourself from the outside stresses of the world.

Part B – Tapping

There is an acupuncture tapping routine (derived from Thought Field Therapy TFT and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT) to be used alongside this hypnotherapy session. It can be very effective at reducing or eliminating fear, anxiety, frustration and other negative emotions. To get the best results, it does need to be practised regularly. I recommend practising it 3 times a day. It only takes 1-2 minutes to do one cycle of tapping. So in a day, it only takes about 5-10 minutes in total to practise it 3 times.

Click here for the acupuncture tapping instructions.

Week 2 – Session 2

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

This session number 2 in this 12 week course to overcome social anxiety disorder.

There are 2 aims with this session:

  1. To condition something called an anchor. This is a neurolinguistic programming NLP technique which links a sensory input (like touching your thumb and finger together) to an emotional state. In this hypnotherapy session, we are linking relaxation and calmness to touching your right thumb and index finger together. The more you practise this, the stronger the link becomes, and you will be able to just touch your right thumb and index finger together, at any time you like in your everyday life, to quickly feel relaxed and calm.
  2. The main hypnotherapy part of this session is designed to help you increase your confidence and self-esteem. Again, the more you practise listening to this session, the more effective it becomes for you.

Aim to use this hypnotherapy session daily for 1 week, or at least 3 times a week, before moving onto the next session.

Part B – Tapping

There is an acupuncture tapping routine (derived from Thought Field Therapy TFT and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT) to be used alongside this hypnotherapy session. It can be very effective at reducing or eliminating fear, anxiety, frustration and other negative emotions. To get the best results, it does need to be practised regularly. I recommend practising it 3 times a day. It only takes 1-2 minutes to do one cycle of tapping. So in a day, it only takes about 5-10 minutes in total to practise it 3 times.

Click here for the acupuncture tapping instructions.

Week 3 – Session 3

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

This session number 3 in this 12 week course to overcome social anxiety disorder.

There are 2 aims with this session:

  1. To continue conditioning the calm and relaxation anchor. This process was started in session number 2. This anchor is a useful tool to use whenever you would like to feel relaxed and calm.
  2. The main hypnotherapy part of this session is based around being in a safe place in your mind, and to start to observe your thoughts which cause negative emotions like fear, anxiety, anger, irritation, guilt etc. There is also a focus on deep slow cyclical breathing, often used in meditation, which allows you to let go of the negative emotions you don’t want.

Aim to use this hypnotherapy session daily for 1 week, or at least 3 times a week, before moving onto the next session.

Part B – Tapping

Please use the tapping routine along with this hypnotherapy session. Also use it 3 times a day, or whenever you need to get rid of a negative emotion like anxiety or fear or anger or irritation or guilt.

It is the same acupuncture tapping sequence as in the previous sessions 1 and 2. These tapping sequences come from – Thought Field Therapy TFT and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT.

Click here for the tapping sequences.

Week 4 – Session 4

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

The main aim of this session is to change or challenge thoughts which cause negative emotions like fear or anxiety or irritation or anger or guilt. It is a cognitive behavioural concept that states what you think, affects how you feel and act.

So by changing your thoughts, you change how you feel and act. Easy to say, hard to do!

This session is the first step on this path. It uses hypnosis combined with metaphors and asking questions.

Thoughts are sometimes judgements, and when you experience a situation (past or present or future) without the negative judgemental thought, it is a state of non-judgement. Being in a state of non-judgement is good when you want to get rid of the associated negative emotion like anxiety and fear etc. You can then keep this state of non-judgement, or adopt a positive thought instead, which will be helpful to you.

Aim to use this hypnotherapy session daily for 1 week, or at least 3 times a week, before moving onto the next session.

Part B – Tapping

Please use the tapping routine along with this hypnotherapy session. Use the tapping routine 3 times a day, or whenever you need to get rid of a negative emotion like anxiety or fear or anger or irritation or guilt.

The tapping sequences are derived from Thought Field Therapy TFT and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT.

Click here for the tapping sequences.

Week 5 – Session 5

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

The main aim of this session is to deal with Negative Automatic Thoughts NATs. They are also known as Automatic Negative Thoughts ANTs.

Negative thoughts cause negative emotions like anxiety and fear.

Dealing with negative thoughts is the pathway to success in overcoming social anxiety disorder.

This session is a continuation of a theme from sessions 3 and 4, in dealing with negative automatic thoughts.

To be honest, it is hard to deal with negative automatic thoughts. First you have to uncover what your negative automatic thoughts are. And then you have to get rid of them. It is hard to do this, but it is possible. There is certainly hope. However, it does take time and effort.

This hypnotherapy session, and the tapping, makes the process of dealing with negative automatic thoughts NATs much easier and more effective. And to get the best results, practise using these tools regularly.

Aim to use this hypnotherapy session daily for 1 week (or at least 3 times in a week), then every so often after that depending on your personal circumstances.

Part B – Tapping

Remember to use the tapping sequences. It is important! They can be very effective. And produce quick and permanent results.

To get the best out of it, use the tapping sequences whenever you feel some sort of emotional discomfort, and on a regularly basis, like 3 times a day. It only takes a few minutes. And the benefits, particularly over time, are potentially huge. So start tapping now!

And as a reminder; the tapping sequences are derived from Thought Field Therapy TFT and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT.

Click here for the tapping sequences.

Week 6 – Session 6

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

This session is all about your self-image.

Your self-image is how you see yourself. It is a very important concept. Your self-image is a combination of all your beliefs, values, thoughts, and memories. You will rarely consistently act in a way which contradicts your self-image, or how you see yourself. The problem is, when part of your self-image is negative and destructive, it leads to negative feelings and actions, and keeps you trapped in a vicious cycle.

Your self-image can change, and it does change. For example, how you see yourself now is probably different to how you saw yourself 15 years ago. There may be some similarities, but probably there are also differences. And you can change your self-image if you want to. And as with most things worth doing, it does take time and effort, but you can do it.

In some ways your self-image is like the unconscious part of you. It is not something you consciously think about. It is just there. But you notice the power of your self-image when you consciously try to change something in your life, but at some level this new change conflicts with your self-image, or how you see yourself. Perhaps you can do this new change for a while, but if there is a true conflict with your self-image, then at some point, you will just revert back to how you were before.

So the secret is to change your self-image first. It makes other changes in your life much easier and permanent.

This hypnotherapy session is a tool to help you change your self-image for the better. And by doing this, it will allow you to overcome your social anxiety permanently.

Part B – Tapping

Remember to use the tapping sequences. It is important! It can be very effective. And produce quick and permanent results in a different way to the above hypnotherapy session.

To get the best out of it, use the tapping sequences whenever you feel some sort of emotional discomfort, and on a regularly basis, like 3 times a day. It only takes a few minutes. And the benefits, particularly over time, are potentially huge. So start tapping now!

And as a reminder; the tapping sequences are derived from Thought Field Therapy TFT and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT.

Click here for the tapping sequences.

Week 7 – Session 7

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

This session is about deciding to do some things differently.

It is about making a commitment to change.

It is about letting go of things which have held you back in the past.

In this hypnotherapy session, there are metaphors and imagery involving choosing which life path you want to take. There is an emphasis on seeing yourself as the “new you” in situations which used to cause you anxiety and fear in the past. And letting go of negative thoughts which hold you back.

It is about moving forward despite setbacks and obstacles in the way.

It is about changing your life for the better.

For the best results, aim to use this session daily for a week, or at least 3 times in the week. Then use it whenever you want to, or need to, depending on your personal circumstances.
Part B – Tapping
I know I really sound like a broken record on this, but remember to use the tapping sequences! It helps! The tapping sequences, just on their own, can be very effective at reducing or eliminating negative emotions like anxiety, fear, guilt, anger etc.

To get the best out of it, use the tapping sequences whenever you feel some sort of emotional discomfort, and on a regularly basis, like 3 times a day. It only takes a few minutes. And the benefits, particularly over time, are potentially huge. So continue with the tapping!

And as a reminder; the tapping sequences are derived from Thought Field Therapy TFT and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT.

Click here for the tapping sequences.

Week 8 – Session 8

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

This session is about your self-image; that hugely influential part of yourself.

This session is a continuation of the theme from session number 6.

It is about seeing, and believing in, yourself as the “new you”. Or perhaps, not so much as the “new you”, but the “you that was there all along”, after getting rid of all the unwanted negative thoughts and negative emotions which hold you back.

This session is about experiencing yourself in social situations the way you want to be – the way you know you can be.

For the best results, aim to use this session daily for a week, or at least 3 times in the week. Then use it whenever you want to, or need to, depending on your personal circumstances.

Part B – Tapping

I am a broken record on this – but remember to use the tapping sequences! It can really help you. The tapping sequences, just on their own, can be very effective at reducing or eliminating those unwanted negative emotions.

To get the best out of it, use the tapping sequences whenever you feel some sort of emotional discomfort. Also use them on a regularly basis, like 3 times a day. It only takes a few minutes. And the benefits, particularly over time, are potentially huge. So continue with the tapping!

And as a reminder; the tapping sequences are derived from Thought Field Therapy TFT and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT.

Click here for the tapping sequences.

Week 9 – Session 9

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

This session continues to help you build your confidence and self-belief. It encourages you to continue on your path, despite any obstacles or setbacks along the way.

Your confidence and self-belief are vital in continuing to take the steps you need to take to overcome social anxiety. There may be times when you feel like giving in, or doubting whether it is worth it, or feeling why me? and why should I change? It is at times like these, your determination to overcome this social anxiety, along with your confidence and self-belief, is vital.

We all make mistakes. We all have failures. It is part of life. But how we interpret these events, and what we do afterwards, determines how our life is. Failures can make you stronger. You can learn from them. And taking action, despite your fear or procrastination, is a noble thing to do. They say success, in whatever way you define success, is failing again and again, in a forward direction.

Also, in this session, there is a theme of living in the now, rather than living in the past, or in the future. If you can live in the now, there is no fear or anxiety there.

As with the previous sessions, aim to use this session daily for a week, or at least 3 times in the week. Then use it whenever you want to, or need to, depending on your personal circumstances.

Part B – Tapping

I am a broken record on this – but remember to use the tapping sequences! It can really help you. The tapping sequences, just on their own, can be very effective at reducing or eliminating those unwanted negative emotions.

To get the best out of it, use the tapping sequences whenever you feel some sort of emotional discomfort. Also use them on a regularly basis, like 3 times a day. It only takes a few minutes. And the benefits, particularly over time, are potentially huge.

I hope by now the tapping has become a daily positive habit for you.

And as a reminder; the tapping sequences are derived from Thought Field Therapy TFT and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT.

Click here for the tapping sequences.

Week 10 – Session 10

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

This session uses a light hypnotic state and a technique called Timeline therapy.

Timeline therapy is a technique used to get rid of negative emotions, like fear and anxiety from past events. And in this session, we are concentrating on social events from your past which have caused you fear or anxiety.

This session is a brief, and mostly detached experience of your past, but if, for whatever reason you do not want to go back to your past, then do not use this session. If you have any questions please contact at

This session can have a dramatic positive effect. You become released from your past. And those events which used to cause you anxiety and fear, when they happen now, they no longer cause you those same negative emotions.

Sometimes, using this session just the once is enough. But if you need to, it is ok to practise it daily for a week, then whenever you want to after that.

Part B – Tapping

Since the beginning of this course, I hope the tapping has helped you to reduce or eliminate those negative emotions like fear, anxiety, irritability, anger and guilt, associated with specific situations or people or memories.

Continue to use the tapping daily, and whenever you feel any sort of emotional discomfort during your day to day life.

And as a reminder; the tapping sequences are derived from Thought Field Therapy TFT and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT.

Click here for the tapping sequences.

Week 11 – Session 11

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

This session continues to increase your confidence, self-esteem and self-belief. This gives you more energy and determination to continue along your path to overcome social anxiety, permanently.

This session is also about letting go of any last remaining negative thoughts and emotions which hold you back.

And letting go of those negative thoughts and negative emotions is key to overcoming social anxiety, once and for all.

Part B – Tapping

I hope you continue to get good benefit from the tapping. I hope those negative emotions are a lot, lot less now.

Click here for the tapping sequences.

Week 12 – Session 12

Part A – Hypnotherapy session

WELL DONE on making it this far!

It takes a lot of commitment and determination to do what you have done. Good for you!

This session is about bringing it all together. This session is a summary of all the previous hypnotherapy sessions. It is a conditioning session using the best of each previous session in this course.

Because of this, it is a LONG session.

It is the longest hypnotherapy session I have ever recorded at the time of writing this. It is 1 hour and 42 minutes long!

It is really designed to be listened to last thing at night before you go to sleep. And it does not matter if you slip off to sleep while the session plays, or even if you slip in and out of sleep while the session plays. Your unconscious mind will still absorb some of the positive suggestions that are right for you.

Part B – Tapping

I would strongly encourage you to continue with the tapping. It is a useful tool to get rid of those negative emotions whenever they come up.

Click here for the tapping sequences.


And finally…..

I would love to hear from you, and know how you have got one with this 12 week course. If you can, I would be grateful if you could send me a quick email at

Thank you.

Take care,


Dr Paul Ogilvie